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About BME Learning Commons

Our Biomedical Engineering Department aspires to be the best in the world. Our vision is to be a leading force in the new era of medicine, and we seek to unleash our students’ intrapreneurial spirit and inspire them to be the change they wish to see in biomedical engineering. Central to achieving this vision is the success of our biomedical engineering undergraduate program. 

In 2014, the Learning Commons Movement was launched to support our undergraduate program in new and innovative ways.

Our graduates must be ready to play a leading role in creatively solving global and complex healthcare challenges. They must be capable of working on collaborative teams whose members come from multiple disciplines with culturally and philosophically diverse viewpoints.

Our graduates must have outstanding communication and social skills and be capable of explaining complex engineering challenges and advances to policy makers who lack scientific and technological expertise.

In short, our graduates must have the scholarly and entrepreneurial confidence needed to thrive in today’s healthcare industry, which is characterized by an ever-quickening pace of technological change and innovation. The Learning Commons Movement prepares our undergraduates for all of these things.

Vertical Mentorship Program: The mentoring program is designed to pair incoming freshman with students in the BME program that have had experience with various aspects of the program and adapting to Tech lifestyle. We understand that adjusting to Tech life as a freshman is something that can be very difficult coming from high school, so we hope that through our mentoring program, we can make that process easier.


BME Dinners: Students and faculty join together for dinner events throughout the year. BME Dinners provides a unique opportunity for students and professors to interact beyond the classroom, build their networks, and develop a greater sense of community across the department.


Academic Support: Supporting our fellow students through FOCUS and PLUS leaders and an active YouTube database.

Podcast Studio: Various podcasts from fellow students, professors, and alumni discussing various topics from research, life after the degree, life at Georgia Tech, and many more. 

BME Stories: A website dedicated to capturing and sharing the stories of these engineers. Our hope is that by capturing and sharing the career stories of practicing engineers, we will help people who are interested in pursuing a career in biomedical engineering, and anyone else with an interest in engineering and medicine, to learn more about what biomedical engineers do, and how they contribute to improving the health and well-being of us all.  

Fourth Floor Space: The Learning Commons 4th Floor Space allows BME students a chance to get together and work together to enhance learning, create new ideas, and increase collaboration. The space contains many different resources to encourage students: whiteboards, board games and Legos, old medical devices, and even bean bags.

Our Programs:
Our mission is to:
  • proactively identify students’ needs and take action to address them.

  • create a welcoming, innovative, can-do culture

  • inspire students about the possibilities of being a biomedical engineer

  • equip all of our students with what they need to achieve their aspirations.

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