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The mentoring program started 2 years ago in the fall of 2014. Ever since then the program has been evolving to bring in more mentors, better quality mentors, and providing various events for the mentors and mentees to be involved in. Currently, we have 61 active mentors and 137 active mentees. 

The mentoring program is designed to pair incoming freshman with students in the BME program that have had experience with various aspects of the program and adapting to Tech lifestyle. We understand that adjusting to Tech life as a freshman is something that can be very difficult coming from high school, so we hope that through our mentoring program, we can make that process easier.

Our freshman mentees have been paired through a speed matching process. All the freshman were invited to “Welcome to BME Day” where mentees have a chance to meet not only the mentors, but also various BME related organizations. The mentees then choose mentors based on their preferences. We believe this kind of matching process will lead to a more active and effective mentoring community. 

If you are interested in becoming a part of the mentorship program as a mentor or a mentee, fill out the appropriate form below:

For Mentors

For Mentees

Transfer students looking for mentors

Leave feedback about the mentoring program here:

The Mentorship Program

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